Rate each statement on a scale of 1-5, where:
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree

  1. I feel comfortable expressing my needs and boundaries in relationships.

  2. I can trust others without constantly fearing betrayal or abandonment.

  3. I am able to maintain a sense of self-identity within my relationships.

  4. I can recognize and respect others' boundaries.

  5. I am able to communicate my feelings effectively without aggression or withdrawal.

  6. I can handle conflicts in relationships without becoming overly anxious or shutting down.

  7. I am able to form close emotional connections without feeling overwhelmed.

  8. I can accept love and care from others without feeling unworthy.

  9. I am able to maintain healthy relationships without engaging in codependent behaviors.

  10. I can recognize and avoid potentially abusive or toxic relationships.

  11. I am able to maintain a balance between independence and intimacy in my relationships.

  12. I can forgive others without compromising my own well-being.

  13. I am able to ask for help and support when I need it.

  14. I can maintain consistent self-care practices even when in a relationship.

  15. I am able to end relationships that are no longer healthy or serving me.

  16. I can recognize and manage my trauma triggers in the context of relationships.

  17. I am able to be vulnerable with others without feeling unsafe.

  18. I can set and maintain healthy boundaries in all types of relationships.

  19. I am able to give and receive love without feeling overwhelmed or undeserving.

  20. I can maintain my own identity and pursuits while being in a relationship.


Add up your total score and interpret as follows:

80-100: You demonstrate strong abilities in forming and maintaining healthy relationships post-trauma. Continue nurturing these skills.

60-79: You show good progress in developing healthy relationship skills. There may be some areas for further growth and healing.

40-59: You're on the path to healthier relationships, but there's significant room for improvement. Consider seeking support or therapy to address challenging areas.

20-39: You may be struggling with forming healthy relationships post-trauma. It's recommended to seek professional help to work through trauma-related issues affecting your relationships.

Remember, this is a self-reflection tool and not a diagnostic instrument. If you have concerns about your relationships or trauma responses, please consult with a mental health professional.

Healthy Relationships Self-Evaluation

Quiz Instructions: