Complex PTSD Symptom Checklist
Instructions: For each statement, rate how often you've experienced these symptoms in the past month using the following scale:
0 = Not at all
1 = Once or twice
2 = Several times
3 = Often
4 = Very often
I experience sudden, intense emotional reactions that seem out of proportion to the current situation.
I have difficulty calming myself down when I'm upset.
I feel ashamed of who I am or believe I'm fundamentally flawed.
I struggle to maintain close relationships or feel disconnected from others.
I have trouble remembering important aspects of traumatic events in my past.
I experience physical sensations (like pain, sweating, or nausea) when reminded of past traumas.
I feel constantly on guard or easily startled.
I have a hard time feeling positive emotions like joy or love.
I engage in self-destructive behaviors (e.g., substance abuse, self-harm, risky activities).
I have a persistent sense of hopelessness about the future.
I struggle with feelings of guilt, even for things that weren't my fault.
I have difficulty trusting others, even those close to me.
I experience periods of emotional numbness or feeling detached from my surroundings.
I have a hard time concentrating or making decisions.
I often feel worthless or like I don't belong in the world.
I have recurring nightmares or distressing dreams related to past traumas.
I avoid people, places, or activities that remind me of traumatic experiences.
I struggle with maintaining a stable sense of identity.
I have difficulty setting and maintaining personal boundaries.
I experience sudden flashbacks where I feel like I'm reliving a traumatic event.
0-20: Minimal symptoms
21-40: Mild symptoms
41-60: Moderate symptoms
61-80: Severe symptoms
Remember, this quiz is not a diagnostic tool. It's designed to help you reflect on your childhood experiences and consider whether you might benefit from further exploration or professional support. Emotional trauma can be subtle and complex, and even seemingly small experiences can have lasting impacts. If you have concerns about your childhood experiences, consider speaking with a mental health professional for a thorough assessment and support.
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