Boundaries and Self-Care Inventory
Instructions: Rate each statement on a scale of 0-4 based on how true it is for you:
0 = Never true
1 = Rarely true
2 = Sometimes true
3 = Often true
4 = Always true
I can say "no" to requests without feeling guilty.
I prioritize time for activities that bring me joy and relaxation.
I communicate my needs and feelings clearly to others.
I have a consistent sleep routine that allows for adequate rest.
I can identify when others are crossing my personal boundaries.
I engage in regular physical exercise or movement.
I limit my time with people who drain my energy.
I practice mindfulness or meditation regularly.
I ask for help when I need it without feeling ashamed.
I maintain a balanced diet that nourishes my body.
I can disconnect from work or responsibilities during personal time.
I have healthy coping mechanisms for managing stress.
I respect others' boundaries and personal space.
I engage in activities that stimulate my mind and creativity.
I can identify and express my emotions in a healthy way.
I make time for regular health check-ups and self-care appointments.
I have clear boundaries between my personal and professional life.
I practice self-compassion and positive self-talk.
I can walk away from toxic situations or relationships.
I have a support system I can rely on when needed.
0-20: Significant improvement needed in boundaries and self-care
21-40: Some improvement needed in boundaries and self-care
41-60: Moderate strength in boundaries and self-care
61-80: Strong boundaries and self-care practices
Remember, this quiz is not a diagnostic tool. It's designed to help you reflect on your childhood experiences and consider whether you might benefit from further exploration or professional support. Emotional trauma can be subtle and complex, and even seemingly small experiences can have lasting impacts. If you have concerns about your childhood experiences, consider speaking with a mental health professional for a thorough assessment and support.
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